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Inclusion refers to the practice of educating special education children in the general education classroom. The idea is that all children need to spend the most amount of time in a general education classroom that is appropriate. With inclusion a student would attend a general education classroom for some or all of the day and would have their special education services provided while in that classroom instead of spending the day receiving their services in a special education classroom. With inclusion a child receiving services will be able to spend time with their non-disabled peers and consequently develop relationships with those children.


This website includes a great article for anyone interested in knowing more about inclusion. It includes definitions of inclusion, mainstreaming, and full inclusion as well as information on IDEA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.

Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion
by Gary Thomas and Andrew Loxley, Open University Press, 2007.

This book is a comprehensive guide explaining different aspects of special education and is somewhat of a how to for implementing inclusion. This is great for anyone who wants to know more about special education and inclusion whether or not they are in the field of education.

*available through

First Steps in Inclusion: A Handbook for Parents, Teachers, Governors, and LEAs by Stephani Lorenz Published by David Fulton Publishers, 2002.

Just as the title states this book is a guide for anyone looking to implement inclusion correctly.

*Available through